miercuri, 25 august 2010

Strange Fetishes...Yours Are Weirder !

...After a crazy ass day of work,i finnally get that drink with you i've been longing for a week now...i feel so refreshed...I really don't know what's happening to me,i wake up so turned on for the past three days that i feel like i could fuck for weeks on.
So let's cut the bullshit small talk, you know where it all leads to.

As i'm getting closer to you,your starting to feel my icy breath over your neck and I whisper in your ear "I'm a cat enthusiast ... what turns your kitten into a dripping pussy?". You're getting so hot right now,and i know you'r starting to think about my cock filling your mouth and the sweat of my dripping balls starts running down your tits....and some drops of it falling shallow on your inner thighs satisfing your kitten's thirst that turns it into a hot wet pussy.
As i'm watching you closing your eyes and start licking your lips like starving lioness i run my hands through your hair grabbing it tight and tell you what a naughty little slut your are...And the best thing about you is my belt around your neck...Show me your face but I don't want you to get off your fours ... I get hard when I watch you crawl. I'm in front of you, holding the leash and fucking your mouth, you choke every few seconds but you're not allowed to complain ... I move faster and faster ... I push harder and harder. I'm drenched in sweat and it's dripping off my balls ... how does my spit taste in your mouth?Your trying hard not to give into your animal sexual instinct,while your fingers taste my spit making room in your mouth,your already swallowing my cock. Meanwhile your playing with youre,now famished wet pussy,and your fingers now moist from my spit are longing to explore my smooth parts,sliding a finger up my ass,while i tighten up that belt and clutching my muscles...I wonder how far down your throat i can go for you to feel my cum sliding into it smoothly? I shove my dick deeper down your throat ... I wonder how long you can go without breathing before you try to force my cock away from you. I see it in your eyes that you are choking but you love cock so much you are unable to let it go, you want it in your mouth for one more second and one more after that. I take it out and you are gasping for air.I use the belt to tie you to my king sized bed and I use your stockings as a
blindfold ... you look so helpless, so beautiful ... who would have thought that behind that angelic face is hiding a little slut like you?I start by sucking your toes, you love the way my tongue feels between them .... I kiss your calves, I lick your inner thighs. You've got such a beautiful
pussy ... I bypass it ... and I lick and bite your brests. Ummm... your nipples are so hard, I love the way they feel in my mouth.I bite your earlobe and I whisper in your ear "you've been a very bad little girl"I run my tongue through your belly button ... and then I go down towards your pink,wet, delicious pussy. And my cock gets even harder while I stumble across a small,black,delicate pussy ring with my moist tongue....I can feel your thighs how hard they could crush my head between them. Running your hands through my hair pressing my head harder onto your cunt,feeling my tongue all over,getting you all ready to take my rock-hard cock. I can hear you whispering but screaming how mumble the words like "i want you eating all my pussy up, suck that crack like youre starving you dirty fuck..." You want me inside you,you want my cock ramming inside you so deep and hard that your pussy would get numb after fucking you.
I unfold your stockings and you feel me tasting your fiery flesh,sticking my tongue down your throat while im grabbing your neck and tell you how hard i'm gonna break your pussy up...So you jump right on my cock swallowing it whole in your waterfall pussy.your looking at me with a desire of feasting on me with a passion i've never felt and a cunt i've never fucked before,running your hands down to my chest and scratching me with your fingernails just to get your moves faster.I tell you to get on your fours and I start ramming my cock inside of you.
First slow and shallow then faster and deeper, and deeper, and deeper. My left hand grabs you by your hair and I tell you to start rubbing your clit. I fuck you like the animal you are ... my muscles are aching and you are moaning and telling me to stop. I don't and I start slapping you ... not too hard but hard enough. I stop and I put my tongue inside your asshole ... mmm ...
I shove two fingers in your wet pussy and then I slowly put them in your ass. I enlarge your asshole, I spit in it and then I slowly insert my throbbing cock ... while you are moaning and waking up the neighbors,I'm not letting you cum,i'm torturing you ramming my cock slow and deep inside of you while your playing with your clit,your arching your back just to get me to keep fucking you like a dirty little slut that you are....
I restrain from cumming ... I get out of you and I tell you to lay on your back I put a pillow under your lower back and stick two fingers inside your pussy working on those two spots I know you love so much. My fingers are killing me and you are screaming and telling me you have to pee, you moan harder and harder and try to remove my hand ... I whisper in your ear that I want you to cum ... I continue ... your body is twitching like a motherfucker and you have intense spasms. You squirt in my face ... you shiver and smile at me, I lick my lips and tell you that you're a good girl....

You get down on your knees in front of me like a worthless slut,your looking up into my eyes while i watch how my dick slides down your throat,gently covering it with your lips. Your looking at me like your my sweet fucking slut,making you gag with my long dick.I'm fucking your throat ti'll you choke,i'm grabbing the back of your hair hard pulling myself out and directing your head towards my balls making you take them.While your sucking and licking my balls i can see it in your eyes how youre begging me to shoot the load on your sweet angelic face,and i start to controll your head moving it faster and shuving my dick hard in your mouth ti'll you get tears in your eyes....and im moving you faster and faster and deepr down your throat and i cum all over your sweet face and your perky tits...I'm spoiling you with my creamy cum all over your face,and you start licking it off.....

Oh i'm so proud of you....you've been a good girl for me...

sâmbătă, 21 august 2010

Scris pentru tine (te stii tu care esti)

Esti o nenorocita mica si perversa, horny ca o tarfulita nefututa de 3 saptamani, ce acum citeste randurile astea cu mana in chilotei, gandindu-se la vocea mea din seara aceea si la cum ar fi sa-mi simti varful pulii plimbandu-se plictisita peste buzele tale pline de ruj strident si dorinta de sex animalic si brutal.

Esti o amatoare de cluburi, iesi cu fetele des, iesi sa te distrezi, sa te simti bine, sa dansezi, sa bei, sa cunosti lume noua, sa ai parte de experiente noi.

Dansezi pana ametesti, bei pana ametesti, simti tot felul de culori in jurul tau, vezi tot felul de sunete, auzi multe atingeri ce te excita si te fac sa te gandesti la SEX, numai si numai la SEX.

Numai tu si cu mine stim exact ce fel de fetita esti. Doar ca tu nu ma stii pe mine, doar ma simti in spatele tau, te misti peste corpul meu apasandu-te tot mai mult fara a-ti da seama ce faci, ce ai sa faci, ce iti doresti sa faci. Acolo in multimea aia de pe ringul de dans nimic nu conteaza.

Este ora 3 dimineata si esti inconjurata de sute de oameni disperati ce n-au somn acasa, oameni beti dansand frenetic, hipnotizandu-te in intunericul strapuns prea rar de lumina unui reflector ratacit. Lumea ce iti scoate sanii in evidenta, de parca ei ar fi animatoarele sexy de pe scena. In aglomeratia aia de fum de tigara, miros de alcool, dansuri descentrate si femei usoare in cautare de aventuri si bauturi gratis, tu dansezi lipita de mine, infasurata in bratele mele ce incet incet se misca tot mai nestingherite pe corpul tau, simtindu-ti textura hainelor de care iti doresti atat de mult sa scapi. Iti doresti atat de tare sa scapi de toate inhibitiile si hainele inutile ,incat nu-ti mai pasa ca sunt sub bluza tot mai aproape de sani. Nu-ti mai pasa ca fundul tau danseaza atat de aproape de mine incat simti cat de mult ma excita miscarile tale.

Nu-ti pasa ca mana mea se strecoara in toata aglomeratia aia pe sub fusta. Acolo unde descoperim impreuna micul tau secret obraznic. "Ti-ai uitat" chiloteii acasa ,iar in momentul asta esti uda fleasca, esti atat de uda incat esti hipnotizata de dorinta de a fi dominata, manipulata, aruncata pe podea si satisfacuta chiar acolo in vazul tuturor.

Imi plimb degetele peste coapse, printre coapse, imi simti varful dejetelor jucanduse prin tine de parca ar vrea mai degraba sa te futa decat sa se joace. Esti acolo in mijlocul multimii cu mine in spatele tau, mana mea sub fusta ta, iar lumea danseaza si nu te vede cat de obraznica esti. Cum anume te face asta sa te simti? Cat de bine? Cat de pervesa? Cat de tare imi vrei pula?

Simti cum fermoarul blugilor mei rupti se descheie, iar altceva te pipaie pe sub fusta. Mainile imi sunt pe corpul tau, plimbandu-se usor apasat peste tot, iar ce e sub fusta ta acum te sperie putina, dar te si excita atat de tare. O simti cum se joaca peste fundul tau, printre fesele tale, printre picioarele tale, peste pasarica ta al naibii de uda, simti cum apasa incet, cum vrea sa intre, cum o vrei si tu sa intre, insa nu inca, nu e timpul.

"Vrei sa plecam?" imi zici tu timida printre buze. "Du-ma in alta parte."

Te iau de mana si te port prin multimea nepasatoare pana pe cea mai intunecata si ascunsa alee din spatele acelui club zgomotos, iar pe ritmurile muzicii aproape imperceptibile te pun pe o bara rece de metal, ridicandu-ti fustita indecenta cat te uiti la penisul meu iesind mult prea excitat din pantaloni.

Acum te simti penetrata, violata, prea excitata ca sa nu vrei mai mult. Prea excitata ca sa iti pese de faptul ca oameni ce ies din club pot trece pe acolo oricand si ne pot vedea. Nu poti procesa acest gand. Tot ce poti procesa acum este pula mea intrand in tine brusc inainte si inapoi lipindu-te de zidul din caramida rece din spate si izbindu-te de el de parca ai fi o carpa inutila in bratele mele.

Cand esti aproape de a-ti da drumu', incep sa te trag de par, ies din tine si te intorc cu spatele. Stiu ca-ti place pe la spate. Stiu bine asta.

Cu fata tipita de zidul ala murdar si rosu, cu mainile mele in parul tau presandu-te putin prea agresiv, cu pantalonii mei in vine si cu pula adanc infipta in sufletul tau, iti vine sa tipi de placere cat sfarcurile zgarie piatra zidului iar pula mea te loveste tot mai tare si tot mai adanc si tot mai tare si mai adanc, incat simti cum ti se urca la cap si te innebuneste senzatia asta pe care ti-ai dorit-o toata noaptea si toata viata ta. Simti cum te apropii de a-ti da drumu' si te gandesti la imaginea asta in care tu faci sex atat de murdar pe o alee atat de abandonata si intunecata, iar tipul din spatele tau te fute exact ca pe o curva.


Iti place sa fii curva mea obraznica? Stiu ca iti place sa ma port asa cu tine.

Iti place acum ca ai ramas acolo singura pe straduta aia parasita cu un jet de sperma pe sanii tai inca excitati, obosita, transpirata si satisfacuta?

Iti place acum ca am scris asta aici? Ti-ar placea sa-ti scriu si numele acum? Nici nu-l stiu :)) si nu vreau sa-l stiu. Insa iti sunt dator cu un late machiatto.

Scoate acum mana din chilotei.